Leaders United

Our goal is to connect Emerging Leaders with United Way, local non-profits, and philanthropic opportunities that create positive change in Harrison County communities. Our mission is to bring the best, brightest, and most driven individuals together to create IMPACT. This diverse group of emerging leaders will pioneer community impact initiatives that will strengthen our society and create social awareness.

As an Emerging Leader you will: EFFECT POSITIVE CHANGE by taking part in meaningful volunteer projects and events. CONNECT WITH LIKE-MINDED LEADERS focused on philanthropic development. INCREASE YOUR LEADERSHIP CAPACITY through access to professional development opportunities.


Any young professional who donates $250 or more


  • Invitations to exclusive events including volunteer projects, social networking events, and United Way events.
  • Leadership Opportunities such as committee and board positions, planning teams, and community outreach.
  • Community Recognition on website, social media, newsprint, and United Way publications.
  • Opportunities to serve on United Way committees.

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