BHE GT&S United Way Campaign

"When you enrich someone's life, the return on investment is priceless."

Your donation make a difference. Everyday your gift creates positive change in the lives of children, seniors, grandfamilies, people with disabilities, veterans, and so many more living in Harrison and Doddridge Counties.

100% stays local.

Dear Harrison and Doddridge Counties,

I first want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your tremendous support during our 2022-2023 fundraising campaign. Your generosity and unwavering commitment to our community and the individuals we serve truly shone through, enabling us to meet our campaign goal of $780,000 by the end of April 2023.

Reflecting on our previous fundraising campaign, I am in awe of the profound impact of our message, "It's not what you do, but why you do it," in helping us achieve our ambitious goal. It was evident that every person involved, whether donor or volunteer, deeply understood their "why." Witnessing your "why" being translated every day into life-changing action was both an honor and a blessing for me.

Looking ahead to our 2023-2024 fundraising campaign, I want to extend my thanks to the United Way of Harrison and Doddridge Counties for again entrusting me with the important responsibility of chairing its campaign committee. This opportunity fills me with immense gratitude, and I am committed to paying it forward through my continued dedication to the United Way's mission and fundraising efforts. Therefore, our campaign message for this year is, "When you enrich someone's life, the return on investment is priceless."

I firmly believe that this message encapsulates the United Way's unwavering commitment to enhancing lives by mobilizing the compassionate power of our communities throughout Harrison and Doddridge Counties. It also resonates with each and every one of us, as we all have our own unique stories. Personally, being adopted at the age of 11 into a loving family and community enriched my life beyond measure. While I still grapple with the challenges of my early childhood experiences, the stability, love, and nurturing environment I found have opened doors and provided opportunities I never thought possible. The return on investment for me is evident in my commitment to giving back through dedicating my time, education, resources, and life to our community. Reflecting on my own journey, I recognize that my adoption would not have been possible without programs similar to those funded by our local United Way.

Throughout my 16-year career as a licensed social worker and my volunteer endeavors in the community, I have gained a deep understanding that many societal issues, such as poverty, addiction, and criminal behavior, stem from adverse childhood experiences where support and resources were lacking. As these problems persist into adulthood, many individuals feel isolated and alone in their struggles. Each partner organization supported by the United Way plays a vital role in helping individuals overcome these adverse situations. Whether it is providing a traumatized child with love, safety, and support, assisting someone battling addiction on their path to recovery, or offering a hot meal and kind words to a senior citizen, your generosity allows us to foster resilience and to truly enrich lives. And, when we enrich another’s life, the return on investment within our community becomes immeasurable.

Thank you once again for your incredible support and unwavering commitment to improving lives in our community. Together, we can and will make a lasting difference.




Wayne Worth

2024 UWHDC Campaign Chair


All BHE GT&S employees have the option to designate to their local United Way.

Please select your local United Way on the electronic workplace pledge card. Thank you for your contribution!


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Donation Method
Check Donation
Make checks payable to United Way of Harrison and Doddridge Counties, as your donation amount will be forwarded to your local United Way. Please give the check to your Campaign Coordinator within 24 hours of this pledge.
Credit/Debit Card Donation
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